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Monday, 12 January 2009

New Zealander died in hospital alleged that a Briton was the instigator of the attack.

00:23 |

New Zealander died in hospital in Cádiz on Christmas Eve after being involved in a brawl in La Línea on December 19. It is alleged that the victim and a Briton were involved in a row which first broke out in a pub in Gibraltar and then for reasons unknown the pair decided to go to La Línea where the deceased man lived. Eyewitnesses say that the second encounter took place in La Atunara after a further row between the two. The injured man received a heavy blow to the head. Although there is a hospital in La Línea he was transferred to the Cádiz hospital which has better facilities for dealing with very serious brain injuries. No details about the nature of the fight have been released. However on the Monday after the assault, four days after the incident, the family of the injured man made an official report at the National Police HQ in La Línea. They alleged that the other Briton was the instigator of the attack.

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