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Thursday, 30 April 2009

Action star Dolph Lundgren's wife was left traumatized after robbers tied her up in their home

21:38 |

Action star Dolph Lundgren's wife was left traumatized after robbers tied her up in their home. The masked burglars abandoned the robbery after discovering the house belonged to the "Rocky IV" star.Three armed thieves broke into his Costa del Sol villa and tied his wife Anette, who was alone in the estate. They were terrorizing her into giving them cash, jewelries, and other valuables when they recognized the actor's picture in a family portrait.They quickly abandoned the raid.The 6ft. 5 in. karate black belter, who gained fame playing Russian boxer Ian Drago opposite Sylvester Stallone's Rocky in the film's fourth installment, consoled his wife when she phoned him in tears.A source told the Daily Mail, "Things might have turned out very differently if Dolph had been in.""The criminals fled as soon as they realized the owner of the house they had raided was someone they wouldn't want to come up against in a fight.""They left Anette pretty traumatized. She's Dolph's angel and anyone who messes with her is messing with him."The authorities are currently hunting the three attackers.The source said, "Police have got very few leads. All three burglars wore balaclavas and they've no real description to go on.""They're look at CCTV footage to see if they can advance the inquiry. Dolph's away on business a lot and he's increased security to try to avoid a repeat."Lundgren is currently filming Stallone's "The Expendables" with an all-star cast.

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