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Monday 12 January 2009

British families started legal proceedings against builders Peinsa after the company reported that La Tercia Real golf resort would not be built

00:18 |

British families have started legal proceedings against builders Peinsa after the company reported that La Tercia Real (LTR) golf resort would not be built. The Hearns and Hunter paid 80,000 each to the builder two years ago for off-plan properties at the complex near Sucina, Murcia. They sold their homes in the UK to finance the deposit of their dream homes and moved into rented accommodation to wait for them to be built. Now they have no property in the UK or in Spain and cannot get their money refunded by the bank despite having a bank warrant. They have been paying £800 and £750 per month in rent respectively, and a further £100 for storage of furniture and belongings.Their solicitor has sent out notary orders to the bank and to Peinsa. Both families are now looking for a court date to recover their life savings. "Nightmare does not even begin to say what this has done to two hard working families with the Spanish dream. "The properties were not holiday homes - they were the only homes we had." She added that as compensation they were offered key ready properties which ‘were not a patch on what they signed up for'. And last August they were offered a 10,000-euro discount at the sales office to stay with Peinsa. Mrs Hearn said: "We were ready to pull out but it was our dream home and we gave them the benefit of the doubt." Mrs Hearn reported that Jayne Hunter was admitted to hospital in the UK shortly before Christmas.

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