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Tuesday 1 January 2008

Fake Spanish Traffic Cops

19:27 |

Wearing police uniforms and carrying fake identification they passed themselves off as police officers to prey on drivers of cars on foreign licence plates has been broken.carrying fake identification, the gang is believed to have targeted northern Europeans on the two ring roads around Madrid and the main road between the capital and the country’s southern coast.
In simultaneous raids around Spain, police arrested 28 Pakistan and Iranian immigrants who posed as bogus police officers.
Victims of the gang were forced to pull over onto the hard shoulder of either the M30 or M40 roads before being physically attacked and robbed.
In the last known case before the gang was arrested, a car of French holidaymakers was targeted near the satellite town of Getafe.
In a white Alfa Romero, the fake police officers pulled alongside the tourists as they were driving along the A4 Madrid-Andalucía road and asked them to pull over onto the hard shoulder.

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