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Monday, 12 January 2009

The Coast of the Death 4 tons of Cocaine siezed in Galicia

15:44 |

National Police have siezed 122 cocaine bundles, about 4,000 kilos, that had been disembarked on the beach at Morte, in the municipality Coruna . A person, has been arrested on the beach. The Coast of the Death four tons of cocaine disembarked on a the beach.Spanish authorities seized some four tonnes of cocaine in northwestern Spain on Monday and detained one person as part of their operation, police and customs agents said, cited by AFP.
The authorities moved in as a group was unloading the drugs from a speedboat on a beach between the towns of Aguino and Ribeira in Galicia, a rugged fishing region of isolated coves that is a key entry point for cocaine, they said.
When the group saw the authorities arrive they set fire to the boat and abandoned the cocaine but police managed to arrest one of their members who they said belongs to one of the most active trafficking groups in the region.
Spain, with its historical and linguistic ties to South America, is Europe's main entry point for cocaine from the continent, especially from Colombia, the world's top producer of the drug.
Spanish customs agents seized 21.8 tonnes of cocaine in 2008, according to provisional figures, down from 25 tonnes in the previous year.

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