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Thursday 10 January 2008

local police chief sells stolen cars

21:00 |

local police chief in Conil, who was arrested on Wednesday for charges including fraud and falsifying documents. The paper says it relates to the sale of stolen cars, which were allegedly sold on after they were recovered by police, instead of being returned to their owners.
Also under investigation by the court in Chiclana is a territorial planning crime. La Voz says they have been unable to confirm if that relates to a property built by the police chief, who they name as Francisco Luis González Fernández, on land classified as unsuitable for development, and if the money from the alleged car sales was used to fund it. They mention the possibility of more arrests in the case.
The local Mayor, Antonio Roldán, noted that González is in the position as acting chief as none of the applicants for the job last year met the requirements for the vacant position. His predecessor was suspended from the job in 2004.

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