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Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Sean Woodhall, 43, a convicted fraudster known as “Slippery Sean”, that he staged the mysterious plane crash.

18:00 | , , , ,

Claims are being made that a group of businessmen who went missing in a mysterious plane crash staged their deaths and fled with 

millions of pounds.The four debt-ridden Britons were officially on board a small Brazilian charter plane that crashed along the country’s coastline last May.A rescue operation was called off when wreckage from the twin-engine Cessna washed up after several days. However, the bodies of the four men and two Brazilian pilots have never been found. The passengers had links to Ocean View Properties that was in financial 

difficulties and one was less than a week away from settling a costly 

divorce.Brazilian authorities are still trying to solve the crash riddle but Foreign Office officials last night confirmed that death certificates had been issued to the British families.

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Anonymous said...

Sean is alive and in hiding. He was in Australia and recently flew to USA. The remaining crew, i have no idea. Ask him.

Anonymous said...

Bollocks, Sean was the best Dad in the world, he may have been driven by money ... but as a family man he was the best !!! so stop spreading rumours x

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