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Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Shipwrecked Zodiac dinghy was spotted roughly 22 miles off Cape Vilano last Wednesday by a passing Portuguese ship

16:12 |

Three Spanish men were rescued by the crew of the 'Pesca I' coast guard helipcopter yesterday lunchtime after their shipwrecked Zodiac dinghy was spotted roughly 22 miles off Cape Vilano last Wednesday by a passing Portuguese ship. All three are reported to be well despite suffering from minor injuries and mild hypothermia.
They were taken to Peinador airport in Vigo, from where they were transferred to Meixueiro Hospital Hospital to receive medical attention, but face interrogation after several suspicious packages wrapped in green and brown plastic - which investigators suspect may be drugs - as well as life jackets were spotted close to the wreckage of their vessel off the coast of Corrubedo by the crew of the 'Rosalía' coast guard spotter plane deployed to search for them. It has since been confirmed that two of the men have previous convictions for drug trafficking.

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