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Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Judges in Madrid have voted by a wide majority in support of strike action

20:48 |

Judges in Madrid have voted by a wide majority in support of strike action, voting 103 votes to 19 to take the strike action which is to start on February 18. The decision in Madrid follows similar decisions to take action in Murcia, Extremadura, Zamora, Málaga and Sevilla on the same day.The judges say they are short-staffed and need more resources so as to carry out their jobs. Despite some concessions from the Ministry, the protests for now remain in place with judges in Barcelona and Asturias also reported to be considering action.
The main judges associations are to meet with the Minister for Justice, Mariano Fernández Bermejo, on Monday.If the protest goes ahead on February 18, it will be the first time that judges have taken strike action in Spain.

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