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Wednesday, 21 January 2009

alleged Moroccan drug trafficker, who has been arrested in Melilla, has confessed to having carried out several assassinations,

21:06 |

alleged Moroccan drug trafficker, who has been arrested in Melilla, has confessed to having carried out several assassinations, and of hiding the bodies in a well in Murcia. He claimed that another Moroccan and a Spaniard of gypsy origin took part in the killings.
Firemen, the Guardia Civil and some soldiers spent Wednesday searching for the bodies and reports now indicate that at least two have now been found. One of the bodies is thought to have been killed ten years ago, the other five.Work continues at the site of a 30m deep well in an area of Cartagena known as Pozo Estrecho.
The Government delegate for Murcia, Rafael González Tovar, has said that the police and judicial action in the case is now under reporting restrictions.

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