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Thursday 24 January 2008

Gang’s main base was in Marbella

23:52 |

Gang’s main base was in Marbella, in Málaga province, and they were closely linked to another gang in Marbella from the Mazzarella clan of the Napolitan Camorra – the Naples mafia. The clan leader in Spain was arrested along with 13 other people in police swoops which took place in Málaga province and the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in July last year, dubbed Operación Tizona.

A lengthy Civil Guard investigation has broken up a major gang of bank robbers, said to be the largest in Spain, which is believed to have carried out 34 armed robberies in seven Spanish provinces: Granada, Málaga, Murcia, Cuenca, Madrid, Burgos and Alicante. Their total haul between April 2006 and March last year was 750,000 €.
The arrests have been taking place since January last year, and include two gang members who were caught in the act in attempted bank robberies. There have been eleven arrests in the past 12 months, and they include suspects from Spain, Belgium and Italy, with some of the arrests taking place with the help of Italian police in Naples.
That operation impounded 60 vehicles and seven properties valued at 5 million €, and also seized 2.5 tons of cannabis.

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