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Thursday, 24 January 2008

Amy Fitzpatrick Mother has vowed to travel "the length of Spain and Gibraltar" in the hope of finding the teenager.

01:44 |

The mother of missing Amy Fitzpatrick has vowed to travel "the length of Spain and Gibraltar" in the hope of finding the teenager.
The 15-year-old vanished after leaving her friend's house near Feungirola, in Spain, at 10pm on New Year's Day. She set out on the 20-minute walk to her own house, but has not been seen since.
Despite a search of the surrounding area by the Guardia Civil and huge publicity in the Spanish media, there have been no positive sightings of the teenager since she vanished.
There had been reported sightings of Amy in Wexford but this has been ruled out by gardai.
Yesterday, Audrey Fitzpatrick said she will travel across the country to try and raise awareness of her daughter's disappearance.
"We just feel so helpless," she said. "It is now 22 days since Amy went missing and there has been nothing at all for the Guardia Civil to go on.

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