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Saturday, 14 March 2009

Francis O'Brien, of C-Granada No. 3, Argon, 18132, Granada, Spain, pleaded guilty to the importation of drugs

12:36 |

Francis O'Brien, of C-Granada No. 3, Argon, 18132, Granada, Spain, pleaded guilty to the importation of drugs through Rosslare Port on June 27, 2008, for the purpose of selling or otherwise supplying.Garda Brian Cummins told the court that the defendant driving a Ford Box Van arrived on the Oscar Wilde Ferry from France. On the occasion he was accompanied in the vehicle by his son. When an inspection of the van was carried out cannabis resin to the amount of 79.861kgs was found which had a value of ¤559,027.The defendant, said Garda Cummins had put out a flyer in Spain for deliveries back to Ireland. He was contacted by a man, this person existed, but was in no way involved with drugs. This person agreed a figure of ¤400 to bring furniture back to Ireland.When arrested in Rosslare Port he was conveyed to Wexford Garda Station. He gave the name of a person in Dungarvan for the delivery but on investigation this person did not exist.Garda Cummins said the defendant is a married man with four children, now living in Spain. He was a native of Drogheda.
Mr. Michael Durack, S.C., told the court that the defendant had received a serious hand injury while working in the family Dry Cleaning business in Drogheda. He received some money, went to Spain to live with his family. His children are going to school in Spain. The van he was driving on the occasion was a battered old van he had received in lieu of payment for some job he carried out. He deeply regretted his involvement in this.Judge Doyle said drugs were the scurge of young people in Ireland. This is a very serious crime and she had no choice but to impose a custodial sentence.Judge Doyle sentenced the defendant to six years in prison, suspending the final three years for a period of three years. She ordered that the sentence be backdate to June 27, 2008.

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