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Monday, 12 January 2009

Dubai the new Costa del Crime

16:11 |

Crime bosses are fleeing to the United Arab Emirates state because there is no extradition treaty with the UK. Dubai has become a paradise for British fugitives on the run.They are also using the property market there as an easy way to launder their millions. Traditionally criminals fled to Spain's Costa del Sol, but because of the success in extraditing gangsters such as road rage killer Kenny Noye it is no longer considered safe.Among those believed to be in Dubai are £53million Securitas robbery suspect Sean Lupton, 48. Armed robber Noel Cunningham, 47, who escaped from a prison van while on the way to court in 2003, is also believed to be in Dubai.
A source at the Serious and Organised Crime Agency said: "Dubai has pretty much everything you could want as a criminal on the run. Apart from the obvious sun and luxury there is no comprehensive extradition treaty."That makes it very difficult for us to get them to send any wanted criminals back to the UK for trial. Dubai has become the bolthole of choice for the criminal underworld."

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