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Friday, 4 January 2008

Guardia Civil working undercover in Gibraltar ?

19:46 |

The Guardia Civil was giving evidence in the trial , which sees nine Guardia Civil officers and a number of civilians facing charges of smuggling cigarettes from Gibraltar across the border into Spain. The officer said he worked in a shop owned by an Indian businessman. That covers a five or six-month period although the accused claim he was working there for 18 months. He said he worked in the shop and every 15 days made a report on what he had seen to his commanding officer. Héctor Manuel S M has admitted in court that he worked in a shop in Gibraltar selling cigarettes as part of the investigation. He added that he did not know whether the Spanish Ministry of Defence had notified the British authorities that he was on assignment outside of Spain.
This contradicts the testimonies given by the accused. They claim that the agent helped them hide the cigarettes in their crash helmets and in their clothing.

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