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Saturday, 23 June 2012

'What are those drugs doing in the back of my van?'

15:02 |

man has been arrested in Ceuta after police found 690 kilos of hashish in the back of his van, which he says he borrowed.Hashish from an earlier haul in Ceuta  An ex-councillor in Cueta, Miguel Angel A. has been stopped in his van when crossing to Algeciras on the ferry. ‘What?, 690 kilos of hashish in the back of my ‘fergo’? How did that get there? The ex councillor for the future and progress said he had no idea how the drugs got into van, which he said he had been lent to carry out a move. He was taken to the police station and assisted by a lawyer designated to him, where he continued to protest his innocence, but failed to give clear details on who he borrowed the van of. He was put at the disposition of Instruction Court 5. As Police investigations continue more people could be arrested. Ceuta is an important centre of drug trafficking gangs, and over recent days the authorities have decomposed about a ton of the drugs intercepted there. They think that much of the drugs come from the cultivation fields in Pakistan.

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