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Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Chris Kinahan '£500m cocaine king' in seized in swoops by 750 armed police

08:19 | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: '£500m cocaine king' in seized in swoops by 750 armed police: "Chris Kinahan was held on the Costa del Sol as 750 police officers swooped on 32 suspects in Britain, Spain and Ireland.

The 53-year-old Briton is alleged to be the head of a criminal net- work responsible for trafficking huge quantities of cocaine into every major UK city.

Kinahan is also said to have masterminded, from his villa near Marbella, the large-scale smuggling of firearms and the laundering of hundreds of millions of pounds in crime profits.

In co-ordinated dawn raids, 230 officers from the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) arrested nine men and two women in the West Midlands, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Kent, Middlesex and south London. Premises were also being searched in Belgium, Cyprus, and Brazil as well as in Britain, Spain and Ireland.

Kinahan’s sons, Christopher junior and Daniel, were also held in the wave of arrests in Spain. Daniel Kinahan featured in the long-running probe into allegations of horse-race fixing featuring champion jockey Kieren Fallon. The jockey was cleared of all charges.

Soca’s Trevor Pearce said: “The scale of this joint operation is an indication of how prolific we think this network was."

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