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Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Death in the Sun as man was gored to death on Saturday at a bull-running festival in Peñafiel, Valladolid

11:59 | ,

53 year old man was gored to death on Saturday at a bull-running festival in Peñafiel, Valladolid. It happened after the first bull run of this year’s festivities at the ‘capea’ bullfight, when amateurs try out their skills against the young bulls.The man, from Dueñas, in Palencia, was gored in the abdomen and died as he was being rushed to hospital in Valladolid. His death came a little over a month after 27 year old Daniel Jimeno Romero was fatally gored at this year’s San Fermín bull run festival in Pamplona.Two others were gored in the shoulder and a leg during the morning’s bull run in Peñafiel.Elsewhere in Valladolid, another man was gored on Saturday in the first bull run at a local festival in Tudela de Duero. And on Sunday, a 16 year old boy was seriously hurt in the first bull run of the day in Leganés when he was gored in the left side of his chest. He is a local boy named by El Mundo as A.E.D.The Equanimal organisation chose the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao for another anti-bullfighting protest this Saturday, where 100 demonstrators lay down on the ground outside the building. Clad in only black boxer shorts, they lay face down covered with artificial blood and banderillas on their backs, simulating all the bulls which will die during the city’s Semana Grande festivities. The top bullfighter, José Pedro Prados, El Fundi, is in Intensive Care after being charged by a bull at the city’s bullring on Saturday.

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