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Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Cocaine Bermudas arrested at Barcelona Airport

11:16 |

Drug smugglers are seeking ever more inventive ways of smuggling cocaine into the country with two recent cases highlighted by the EFE news agency. The first was in Tarragona last week, where a man from Ghana was arrested at the city’s port with 2.6 kilos of cocaine hidden in a women’s girdle strapped to his body. He’d been passed the drugs in a toilet by the Filipino crew member of an Italian ship who’d smuggled the cocaine on board the ship in Costa Rica.And a 65 year old man from Germany was arrested at Barcelona Airport last Saturday from a flight from South America with 6.6 kilos of cocaine in a specially-designed pair of shorts worn beneath his trousers. The rather bulky item of clothing incorporated dozens of small cylinders designed to hold the drugs in an attempt smuggle them through Customs at El Prat.

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