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Friday, 7 March 2008

Sad Headlines in the Spanish Press.La Guardia Civil confirma que el cadáver de la niña localizado en Huelva es el de Mari Luz.

20:34 |

Headlines in the Spanish press confirm the worst fears that the body of Mari Luz the little girl from Huelva has been found by a petrochemical worker on the salt marshes outside Huelva.La Guardia Civil confirma que el cadáver de la niña localizado en Huelva es el de Mari Luz.the Civil Guard today located in an undetermined point of the Huelva coast the body of a girl who could be Mari Luz, the girl from Huelva who disappeared from Huelva in the 13 of January. Sources of the Subdelegation of the Government in Huelva said to Europe Press that someone sighted a body floating in the sea and gave warning to the Civil Guard, who, with a boat, is at the moment towing the body to the 'Muelle de Levante'. The same sources indicated that, although there is no confirmation, the first indications aim that the body is the one of the of five years old, Mari Luz

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