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Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Alexander Colin Dalgleish, Gordon Stewart,Paul Turner ,Joshua Karney, Kamil Krawiec

22:23 |

Alexander Colin Dalgleish, aged 30-35, Gordon Stewart, 25-30, Paul Turner (also known as Paul Francis or Geddes), 50-55, Joshua Karney, 25-30, who also goes by five other names, and Kamil Krawiec, 25-30. missing of the sex offenders list in the U.K.
British pedophiles and rapists are settling on the Costa del Sol.Interpol has alerted the Guardia Civil in the past few months about a dozen sexual predators believed to be based along the Mediterranean Coast.
The British murderer Tony Alexander King, sentenced to 55 years in prison, for killing two Spanish girls in Malaga was living in Spain with the Spanish Police having no idea of the long list of sexual offences he had committed in the UK. Since then, British and Spanish security forces have been working much more closely together.
The British colonies along the coast are the ideal place for these criminals to blend in and go almost unnoticed. Michael Dugdale, a 60 year-old expat, wanted for the last 30 years for over 30 cases of sexual aggression and child abuse, was discovered last year living very comfortably in Mazarron.
Many of those settling here have served prison sentences in the UK and so the police cannot keep a close watch on them. Many may have learnt their lesson and come here to make a fresh start.

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Anonymous said...

Has Alexander Dalgleish / Paul Williams or whatever he calls himself these days been released? Thought I saw him last wk driving a silver audi round donegal

Anonymous said...

Has Alexander Dalgleish / Paul Williams or whatever he calls himself these days been released? Thought I saw him last wk driving a silver audi round donegal

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