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Saturday, 19 July 2014

The TOWIE cast returned to Marbella last night as The Only Way Is Marbs made a typically explosive comeback.

15:02 |

And if the TV show has got you itching for a holiday to the Spanish resort, Lauren Pope has given us an exclusive run-down of her favourite nightspots.

The TOWIE beauty is a huge dance music fan and is currently promoting the show’s first ever CD; The Only Way is Marbs: Marbella Anthems.

Stars from the show including Lydia Bright and James 'Diags' Bennewit attended the The CD’s launch party at The Brickyard in Essex on Friday.

Lauren Pope's holiday tips: TOWIE star picks out her best nightspots exclusively for Travel Mail readers

Lauren Pope's holiday tips: TOWIE star picks out her best nightspots exclusively for Travel Mail readers


Day and night: The terrace at luxury beach club Nikki Beach stays open until late

Day and night: The terrace at luxury beach club Nikki Beach stays open until late

Lauren said: 'I’ve loved working on this album - from the track selection to the mixing, it’s been an amazing experience.


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