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Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Sicilian mafia 'no longer has head'

15:31 |

The Sicilian mafia no longer has a head, Italy's chief anti-mafia prosecutor said Wednesday. "Today there is no head and the cupola (supreme command) are all in jail. They tried to get organised again on two occasions but we managed to nip it in the bud," Pietro Grasso told Italian radio. Grasso said the hitherto reputed Cosa Nostra No.1, Matteo Messina Denaro, "is not the head of the Sicilian mafia". Messina Denaro, a 50-year-old clan boss from the Western Sicilian city of Messina, had been reported to have taken up the reins after a series of arrests of older Palermo chieftains. But Grasso said that was not the case. Messina Denaro is still the most wanted mafioso in Italy, however. Anti-mafia police have been waging a 'scorched earth' policy around him which has prompted some experts to suggest he has fled abroad. But Grasso said: "No, I believe he's still in Sicily". The anti-mafia prosecutor added that "today the State is stronger than the mafia", noting that "in the past three and a half years we have seized assets worth 40 billion euros and confiscated another three billion".

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