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Saturday, 18 February 2012

DRUG kingpin found guilty of plotting to flood the UK with £166m of “staggeringly high purity” cocaine

22:41 |

DRUG kingpin found guilty of plotting to flood the UK with £166m of “staggeringly high purity” cocaine was told he is likely to die in prison. South Liverpool crimelord Dennis Kelly was at the top of Britain’s drug chain, conspiring with international smugglers to import 1.6 metric tonnes of coke, disguised as tins of asparagus. The Class A cargo, which was between 92% and 93% pure, had been shipped from Peru to Rotterdam by boat and moved in two containers to Amsterdam where it was intercepted by police before it could reach Liverpool. The drugs, worth £83m in their pure form, could have been doubled in value once diluted with other chemicals and the Kelly gang were expecting to take a quarter of it for themselves.

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