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Thursday, 24 November 2011

550 kilos of cocaine hidden in bananas intercepted in Algeciras

12:40 |


National Police have found more than 550 kilos of cocaine hidden in boxes of ‘top quality bananas’ which were being introduced into Spain via the port in Algeciras. The drugs were hidden in the plastic linings inside the cardboard boxes containing the bananas, found in containers which had come from Ecuador. The drug runners benefitted by the quicker customs procedures for fruit. 11 people have been arrested in Madrid, including the alleged head of the gang. The police investigation started in the middle of last year as a group of Ecuadorian and Colombian men who were planning to send a large amount of cocaine from South America to Spain were uncovered. The members of this gang had top security measures to avoid detection by the Police. Thanks to the methods discovered in that organisation, with the drug hidden in the plastic, it has been possible to make these latest arrests.

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