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Monday, 3 October 2011

Man dies in shoot out in Alicante City Centre

21:53 |


One person has died and three have been seriously injured in a shoot out in the centre of Alicante. The 30 year old dead man is one of some thieves who got involved in the shoot out with the police after attacking a jewellers shop in Avenida Alfonso X el Sabio. Witnesses said that between 15 and 20 shots were fired. Another one of the thieves was arrested after a police chase as far as Canalejas, and a third managed to stay on the run until the early hours of Sunday when he was finally detained. Police say that the robbers were armed with shotguns, a hand grenade and a sub-machine gun, and all are French and aged between 24 and 61. They were all dressed entirely in black with gloves, balaclavas and bullet-proof vests. The three injured people are passersby who happened to be close to the jewellers at the time of the incident at 2030 on Saturday night. One is a 51 year old woman who was shot in her left hip and has been taken to the San Juan Hospital, and the other two injuries are male, a 63 year old with an injury to his back and another, aged 23 who was hit in the wrist. They have also both been taken to Alicante hospital.

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