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Monday, 10 October 2011

Family mourns man's death in Spain

16:43 |


family has been left "devastated" after a young father died while on holiday in Spain. Chris Lindsay was staying in Calahonda, between Marbella and Fuengirola, when he died on Friday. His brother told a newspaper that the 34-year-old was found unconscious in the street with cuts and bruises and his passport missing. He is thought to have died of liver and kidney failure. Mr Lindsay had become a father three months ago. His brother, Tony Lindsay, 38, from Edinburgh, told the newspaper: "We don't know who found him but he had been unconscious in the street and his passport was missing. There was bad bruising down his right-hand side and cuts on his knees and elbows. He had certainly been in a fight. "All we can say for sure is that he ended up dead." Mr Lindsay's father, Harry Lindsay, from Airdrie in Lanarkshire, told the newspaper he was "absolutely devastated". Mr Lindsay is believed to have travelled to Spain with colleagues from the Marketing Company, based in Glasgow. A company spokeswoman said she had "no comment at all". A Foreign office spokeswoman said: "We can confirm the death of a British national in Spain on October 7. We are providing consular assistance to the family."

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