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Monday, 10 October 2011

Belgian pensioner jailed for wife's death in Calpe

16:32 |


80 year old man from Belgium was remanded to custody on Monday after his 78 year old wife was found dead at their home in Calpe on Saturday. The Civil Guard found him next to his wife’s lifeless body at the couple’s home on the Carrió urbanisation on Saturday afternoon after a phone call from the man’s son saying that his father had confessed by telephone to killing his mother. She was also from Belgium and her body was found lying on the floor with a serious wound to the head. She was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency services who were called out to the couple’s home. The husband was found to have minor injuries, which he appears to have sustained after attempting to commit suicide after killing his wife. The accused took up his right to refuse to answer any questions when he was interviewed by the judge on Monday, although Diario Información indicates that the 80 year old confessed to the Civil Guard on Sunday that he had killed his wife during an argument. There has been no confirmation as yet of any previous history of domestic violence.

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