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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) is asking holidaymakers and ex-pats on the Spanish Costas to be on the look out for two fugitives.

13:36 |

The men, Kirk Bradley and Anthony Downes, escaped on Monday 18 July when the prison van they were travelling in was attacked by a gang armed with guns and baseball bats. At the time they were on their way from HMP Manchester to a court in Liverpool to face firearms charges. The security van driver and his passenger were taken to hospital though they are not thought to be badly hurt. The attackers escaped with the prisoners in a car.

SOCA believes that because of long-standing links the men may be attempting to travel to Spain, or may even already be there. Downes is known to be an associate of Kevin Parle, another fugitive on the Crimestoppers 'most wanted' list, who is thought to be in Spain and is wanted in connection with two murders in Liverpool.

SOCA's Frank Francis said:
"These are dangerous men and it is very important that nobody approaches them. We are asking people who think they may have seen them to call Crimestoppers, either in Spain or in the UK. You can do this free, and completely anonymously. Our priority is getting these two back into custody as soon as possible."

Kirk Trevor Bradley is 25 years old, 5'10", of proportionate build, with green eyes and cropped black hair. He has a Liverpool accent. Anthony Downes,
Anthony DOWNES (AKA: Fat Tony) DoB 16/02/1986

also known to associates as Fat Tony, is 24 years old, 5'7" with blue eyes and short straight dark hair.

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