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Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Tunisia issues arrest warrant for deposed dictator - Telegraph

19:02 |

Tunisia issues arrest warrant for deposed dictator - Telegraph: "America promised its help in pursuing Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali and relatives who have been accused of looting the Tunisian economy over the course of a 23-year dictatorship.
Demonstrators in Tunis had demanded swift action on recovering billions of pounds of lost wealth and many believe that the old guard from Mr Ben Ali's government clinging to positions of power lack the will to pursue those who had fled abroad.
However Mr Ben Ali has fled to Jeddah where he enjoys the protection of the Saudi Arabian royal family, which has a tradition of sheltering deposed dictators from demands for justice.
High level diplomatic interventions pressed the government to demonstrate that it was prepared to promote democracy in the North African state. Mr Ben Ali fled after the country was paralysed by protests following the suicide of a market trader after falling foul of the regime.
Jeffery Feltman, the US assistant secretary of state, visited Tunis to meet the government and opposition, the most senior official to visit since Mr Ben Ali's departure."

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