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Friday, 31 December 2010

Showgirls Bar 20 in King Street Strip club assault charge

15:25 |

Strip club assault charge: "Christopher Brian Neilson, 28, has been charged with assaulting Maxwell Chapman about 6am on Tuesday.

CCTV footage showed Mr Chapman being knocked unconscious with an elbow strike to the head before his attacker walked away. He has regained consciousness but remained in intensive care yesterday.

Neilson appeared in Melbourne Magistrates Court on Thursday.

Charged with intentionally and recklessly causing serious injury over the incident outside Showgirls Bar 20 in King Street, in the city, he did not apply for bail.

An out-of-sessions hearing was told he was on bail from Queensland on firearms charges following a raid on December 2 that allegedly netted a pistol, shotgun and ballistic vest.

Neilson said he and his partner were in Melbourne for ''a fresh start''. ''I realise I'm a bit of a monster at the moment …'' he told the bail justice.

He was remanded to reappear in March."

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