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Thursday, 6 May 2010

Valencia Government, headed by Francisco Camps, awarded 85 contracts worth 7.2 million € to nine companies in the Gürtel corruption network,

12:09 | , ,

Valencia Government, headed by Francisco Camps, awarded 85 contracts worth 7.2 million € to nine companies in the Gürtel corruption network, owned by Francisco Correa, between 2004 and 2008.The numbers come from a report from the Judicial Services of the Madrid High Court of Justice, where the summary of the case is being instructed.The contents of the 43 page report were revealed in the Valencia parliament on Thursday by the Socialist spokesman in Les Corts, Ángel Luna. He claimed the report shows that the law was broken on some 50 occasions as contracts were often split into smaller segments.In response Francisco Camps, the President of the Generalitat, on Thursday defended the contracts awarded by his administration and said that the Sindicatura de Comptes said that ‘everything is under legal control and in perfect conditions’. He also claimed that more contracts were split up under the Socialists.

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