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Thursday, 6 May 2010

ex Mayor of Manilva, Pedro Tirado, speaking to the court in Málaga, has said that the 762,101 € found in rubbish bags in his home, in 500 € and 200€ n

12:05 | ,

ex Mayor of Manilva, Pedro Tirado, speaking to the court in Málaga, has said that the 762,101 € found in rubbish bags in his home, in 500 € and 200€ notes, was from ‘anonymous party donations’ for his PDEM, The Manilva Democratic Party, which he founded in 2002 after leaving the GIL party.

The Anti-corruption prosecutor claims that the money found in March 2005 was a backhander given to the then Mayor, from the owners of La Parrada, an enormous estate where the Mayor allowed the number of homes to be built to be increased from 1,300 to 2,400. As part of the deal, the Royal Marbella Estates sold the land it purchased for 9.7 million € for 117.9 million the following year after the Mayor had reclassified the land in between the two dates.

In questioning despite his claim, Tirado was unable to name a single party donor, or give any more information, for example say the size of the largest single donation.

When asked why the money was not in his safe, Tiraldo told the court that he had been advised by a friend, who was an expert in security, that he should put only a small amount in the safe, as a prize for a possible thief, and hide the larger amount elsewhere.

The prosecutor is demanding a two year prison sentence for bribery.

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