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Monday, 31 May 2010

British father and son die in Menorca airshow crash

10:39 |

British father and son die in Menorca airshow crash: "Bruce Hook and his son Ian were killed when they lost control of the Beech Baron craft

A British father and son have been killed in a light aircraft crash when they were taking part in a race and lost control of the craft which crashed in flames.

The tragedy happened at 1250 on Saturday shortly after the pair had taken off from the Real Aeroclub de San Luis-Mahón on Menorca.
The father, 63 year old Bruce Hook, was considered to be an expert pilot and ex RAF, and was flying a twin motor Beech Baron. He was accompanied by his 26 year old son, Ian.

The fire services were on the scene immediately as they were already on duty for the air display, but they could do nothing to save the lives of the two on board the craft as it exploded when it hit the ground.

An investigation has been opened by the AESA, Spanish Air Safety Agency.
The event was organised by the British Royal Air Club."

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