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Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Two arrested in Spain after fights break out at former mosque

13:56 |

Two arrested in Spain after fights break out at former mosque: "Two men were arrested after clashes between police and tourists who broke a ban on Muslim prayers at a cathedral in Spain which was once a major mosque, the local bishop's office said this week.
Trouble broke out Wednesday when six members of a group of 118 Muslim tourists visiting the cathedral in the southwestern city of Cordoba knelt to pray and were ordered to stop by security guards.
As they refused to stop praying, they were 'invited to continue with their visit or leave the cathedral,' the Cordoba's bishop's office said.
The security guards called in police, who were attacked by the visiting Muslim tourists, it added. Two policemen were injured and two of the Muslim tourists were detained.
'This was a one-time incident that does not represent the genuine Muslim identity as there are many who display attitudes of respect and dialogue with the Catholic Church,' the statement said.
Despite calls by Muslims for rules to loosen, Bishop Demetrio Fernandez Gonzalez recently reiterated a ban on Muslim prayers at the former mosque that turned into a Christian cathedral in the 13th century"

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