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Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Guardia Civil found the bodies of some 100 dogs as it broke up an illegal sales network in Cáceres

10:29 |

Guardia Civil found the bodies of some 100 dogs as it broke up an illegal sales network in Cáceres. The owner of the premises was arrested in the operation codenamed ‘toys’.He had been selling pedigree puppies imported illegally from Slovakia, despite many of them suffering from poor health and some of them from malformed bodies. According to the records some of the dogs had been vaccinated before they were born.
SEPRONA, the environmental wing of the Guardia Civil had been working on the case for six months after receiving several complaints from people in Badajoz, after dogs were dying shortly after being purchased.At the Cáceres premises on Tuesday they found 58 cages containing 75 puppies from ten different breeds including schnauzers, shi tzu, yourkshire terriers and poodles among others.
Tragically they found the bodies of nearly 100 dogs frozen and stored in two freezers. It’s thought they were dead on their arrival in Spain, or shortly after, and were being kept by the business as justification for an economic claim later.

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