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Tuesday, 19 January 2010

fraud paid for a luxury lifestyle in the UK and Spain which included the purchase of a villa in Marbella

15:36 |

Alan James Wilson was the director of a company which designed and rented portable refrigerated units from its base at Staffordshire Technology Park in Beaconside.Wilson took part in a fraud, as sole director of the business, which centred on falsifying rental agreement documents, misappropriation of company funds and disposal of equipment.
The fraud paid for a luxury lifestyle in the UK and Spain which included the purchase of a villa in Marbella, currently on the market at 850,000 Euros, a 47-foot yacht which has a list price of £490,000, a luxury home in Derbyshire and Mercedes cars.The 57-year-old, from Chapel-en-le-Frith in Derbyshire, was investigated by officers from Staffordshire Police’s Economic Crime Unit. He was arrested and admitted offences of theft, false accounting and fraud at a previous hearing at Stafford Crown Court.
He has been sentenced to 44 months imprisonment while the case was adjourned for 21 days for a confiscation hearing.Money from the sale of the yacht, villa and UK home, and funds seized from Wilson’s foreign accounts, is likely to go towards the confiscation order. All of Wison’s assets are currently held under restraint by police pending the forthcoming confiscation hearing.Detective Sergeant Nick Jones, from the Economic Crime Unit, said: “Wilson carried out fraud to enjoy a lavish lifestyle. We are committed to bringing offenders to justice while at the same time removing the trappings of a lifestyle earned through crime.
“We are increasingly using asset recovery to take back ill-gotten gains, which are then paid as compensation to victims. These are often other commercial institutions, which may be struggling in the difficult economic climate and rely on recovered funds to continue to trade and employ staff. To allow offenders to prosper from crime is an affront to law-abiding citizens.”

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