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Monday 27 April 2009

Arrested a taxi driver who is accused of raping a British tourist in the Marbella hotel

21:11 |

On Tuesday the woman, who is around 50 years old, had lunch in a restaurant in Marbella and then asked for a taxi to collect her and take her to her hotel.The taxi driver took the woman to her hotel and then apparently went with her up to her room. Sources close to the case say that the hotel receptionist saw the driver go up to the fourth floor and then come down some minutes later. It was during this period of time that the rape allegedly took place.
Once the driver had gone, the woman told a friend what had happened. The friend took the woman to the Costa del Sol Hospital for an examination. The results of the examination said that there were signs of sexual aggression involving penetration - which the woman says was against her will - and light bruising on her arms which could have been caused by being held down.
The hospital informed the National Police who arrested the taxi driver at a bus stop within a matter of hours. The driver was later released with charges by the courts.National Police officers have arrested a taxi driver who is accused of raping a foreign tourist in the Marbella hotel she was staying in.According to the sources close to the case, the victim originally intended to go home without bringing charges but she decided to do so and confirmed her version of events to the police.

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