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Monday, 18 February 2008

Marisol Yagüe will be first to declare

12:20 |

Ex Mayor of Marbella, Marisol Yagüe,appears in court among 34 others charged.
The new instruction judge in the case, Óscar Pérez, has called the main accused to declare in Marbella again as he tries to establish the extent of the corruption and those responsible in Marbella Town Hall.
Marisol Yagüe will be first to declare today, followed by a list of previous local councillors Victoriano Rodríguez, José Antonio Jaén, Vicente Manciles, María del Carmen Revilla and the ex-deputy Mayor Isabel García Marcos.
Other ex councillors will declare tomorrow, and the 21st sees more declarations, including the ex local police chief, Rafael Del Pozo.
Ex Mayor Julián Muñoz is called to declare on the 25th, together with the last five councillors. Following that from the 26th onwards the businessmen implicated in the case will be called to court. All 86 accused in the case will attend these sessions from today until March 3.
Defence lawyers will be allowed to be present for the first time in court today as reporting restrictions on proceedings are lifted. It’s thought that this series of hearings will be the last before the case itself gets underway in the Provincial Court in Málaga.

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