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Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Nationalisation of tens of thousands of seaside residences in an attempt to protect the coastline from pollution

20:12 |

Environment Ministry is backtracking on plans to nationalize tens of thousands of seaside residences in an attempt to protect the coastline from pollution, the daily El Pais reported Monday. The Environment Ministry had intended to step up the application of a 1988 law prohibiting the construction of housing near the water line. The owners of such houses, many of whom are British and German nationals, would have been granted the right to use them for up to 60 years without being allowed to sell them. Protests from house owners and the British and German embassies have prompted the government to soften the plans, El Pais said.
The owners of seaside residences are expected to be given permission to sell them, which will make it more difficult to nationalize them, according to the daily.
Environmentalists have long been concerned about the impact of urbanization on Spain's coastline

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