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Sunday, 25 January 2009

Juan Antonio Roca, the ex Municipal Real Estate assessor, has been sentenced

01:21 |

Juan Antonio Roca, the ex Municipal Real Estate assessor, has been sentenced in the fourth section of the Penal Hall of the National Court in Spain to six years ten months in prison. Roca was sentenced to five years in prison for the misuse of public funds, and an additional 22 months for document falsification.
He and two others charged in the Saqueo case also have to pay back 23 million to Marbella Town Hall.José Luis Sierra, the ex judicial advisor to the late Mayor, Jesús Gil, has to serve nine years in prison, seven for the misuse of public funds and two for document falsification.The accountant, Manuel Jorge Castel, has been given six years for the misuse of public funds and two for document falsification.
Another three accused were found not guilty. These are Eduardo Gonzálvez and Francisco Javier Herrera, who were employed by the two municipal companies, Planeamientos 2000, and Contratas 2000, and Purificación Notario, wife of the late manager of Contratas 2000.The case relates to the diversion of public funds into private companies from the Marbella Town Hall between 1991 and 1995. The sentencing has been announced by the magistrate, Juan Francisco Martel, who heard the case between October 10 and November 27 last year. He concluded that the three found guilty created a preconceived plan to divert the public money.

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