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Thursday, 13 March 2008

Deputy Mayor of Palma spent 45,000 euros in gay clubs using a Town Hall credit card

22:39 |

Baleares newspaper claims he spent 45,000 euros in gay clubs at the time he was Deputy Mayor of Palma
The prosecution service on the Balearic Islands has placed an official complaint with the courts against a former Partido Popular councillor in Palma for allegedly spending public money in alternative nightclubs. The Baleares newspaper Última Hora claims that Javier Rodrigo de Santos spent 45,000 € in gay clubs using a Town Hall credit card between the end of 2005 and the end of May last year. The newspaper said police have already spoken to staff at the clubs in question, who said the ex councillor was a regular customer.
The action from the prosecution service comes after a complaint from the Socialist Mayor of Palma, Aina Calvo, and an informative investigation then followed, starting on 20th February. Catalina Cirer, who was Partido Popular Mayor of Palma at the time in question, said in a press conference on Thursday that she totally condemns the alleged misappropriation of public funds and said she felt ‘deceived’ by her party colleague. She said she only had only heard about it herself on Thursday morning, in the media.Javier Rodrigo de Santos was Deputy Mayor of Palma at the period under investigation, and also had responsibility for town planning. He is now a civil servant and works at the Town Hall in the tax department

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