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Thursday, 13 March 2008

Alfredo M., who is responsible for the organised crime section of the Udyco unit across the Costa del awaiting trial in two other cases

22:34 |

four top police officers arrested in Málaga on Tuesday have been questioned by National Police internal affairs on allegations of corruption and all say they are innocent. They are expected to be called before an Instruction Court on Friday, along with the two other suspects arrested in the case, a police interpreter and the director of a Marbella clinic.They are charged in a Police Internal Affairs investigation which began two years ago into alleged misappropriation of items seized in the course of police operations from mafia-type criminal gangs. El Mundo newspaper reported on Thursday that one of the officers in custody is Alfredo M., who is responsible for the organised crime section of the Udyco unit across the Costa del Sol. Udyco investigates offences involving organised crime and drugs, and two of those in custody head the Udyco branches in Marbella and Fuengirola. The fourth suspect is an assistant to Alfredo M., the paper said.El Mundo quotes sources in the police saying that Alfredo awaiting trial in two other cases. One of them involves the previous head of the Udyco unit on the Costa del Sol, Valentín Bahut, where they both allegedly supplied an Italian drug dealer based in Benalmádena with confidential information from police records to allow him to escape arrest under a European warrant for extradition.The crimes under investigation in this latest case are revealing secret information, illegal searches and misappropriation.

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