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Monday, 18 February 2008

Amy Fitzpatrick reward

12:26 |

The parents of missing Irish teenager Amy Fitzpatrick are offering a cash award for information on her whereabouts.
The 16-year-old - who's originally from Dublin - disappeared near her family home in Spain on New Year's Day.Her step-father has announced that he will pay a 'substantial' amount of money to anyone who can help in the search for Amy.
Amy Fitzpatrick family, the young Irish girl who disappeared from Mijas on the night of New Year’s Day, has announced what is quoted by EFE as a ‘substantial’ reward for reliable information which could lead to finding the missing teenager. The news came in a statement from Dave Mahon, the partner of Amy’s mother, Audrey, who said all information would be treated in the strictest confidence, and calling on anyone who may have a possible lead to contact either the family or the Civil Guard.There has been no news on whether detectives have managed to locate a vehicle which they believe Amy may have taken, a British-registered white Ford Fiesta, with the registration number C955 SLK. Anyone who may see the vehicle is asked not to touch it to avoid destroying any evidence.

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