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Sunday 28 October 2007

"Prince of Marbella" because of his opulent lifestyle

10:15 |

Spanish court authorized Friday the extradition of Syrian arms dealer Monzer al-Kassar to the United States on charges of conspiring to provide weapons to Colombian guerrillas. US authorities say Kassar agreed to sell machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, millions of rounds of ammunition and surface-to-air missile systems to the Marxist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) between 2006 and May of this year. Prosecutors in New York have charged him with conspiracy to provide material support or resources to a terrorist organization, money laundering, and conspiracy to acquire an anti-aircraft missile and to kill US nationals. Kassar, a longtime resident of Spain, has been in jail since he was arrested on June 8 after flying into Madrid airport on a domestic flight. US prosecutors say the FARC wanted to use the weapons to fight Amercian forces aiding Colombia in its battle against drug traffickers. Kassar allegedly also offered 1,000 fighters, plastic explosives, and detonators to use against the US armed forces, who have been in Colombia since 2000. Kassar, dubbed the "Prince of Marbella" because of his opulent lifestyle, faces life imprisonment if convicted

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