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Sunday 28 October 2007

Benalmádena Town Hall will have to compensate a local Dutch family for the noise coming from the Puerto Marina.

14:50 |

The couple have been awarded more than 15,000 € for the noise from bars in the port, which dates back some eight years

The case dates back to 1999, but the sentence has only just been announced, ordering the council to pay 15,175€.

The Dutch couple purchased a flat in the Marina, with the intention of enjoying the summer there and renting the flat out for the rest of the year, but they say they had to soundproof their home and return the rent to ten people after three pubs opened below them.

Eight years after making their complaint to the courts in Málaga, they have now been told they have won the case. The 15,000 € goes to cover the soundproofing costs and to compensate for the rental money retuned to clients.

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