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Thursday, 8 March 2012

German man arrested after Málaga lawyer's body found in the boot of his own car

18:49 |


The lawyer, who has not yet been named, went missing last Friday.The lawyer's car where his body was found in the bootThe body of a lawyer, named as Salvador Andrés Reina, has been found in the boot of his car in Málaga. The lawyer had vanished in strange circumstances in Málaga last Friday and his body was found today, Thursday, in the boot of his own car, parked by the bus station in the city. Police say the man’s body shows evident signs of having suffered violence. A 50 year old German man, named with the initials P.R.B. has been arrested in connection with the case. He was arrested before the body was recovered on Thursday morning. It’s not been revealed if he was a client of the lawyer, or whether robbery was his motive. One theory the police are following was that there was a kidnapping which somehow went wrong. The police operation continues open. The Málaga Lawyers College issued a statement which said that Salvador Andrés Reina ‘had been assassinated when meeting his obligations as a lawyer, attending to his office, when a unknown man turned out not to be a client, but a thief and a killer’. The College expressed its sympathies to the family, his companions and friends, and thanked the police for their ‘very intense’ work in solving the case and detaining the suspect.

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