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Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Father of holiday death Scot takes fight for justice to Brussels

21:23 |


The father of a man who died in a mysterious assault while on holiday in Spain is taking his campaign for justice to the European Parliament. Chris Lindsay, 34, died after a night out in Calahonda, on the Costa del Sol, with work colleagues last summer. He was found lying unconscious in the street, without his passport or money, and rushed to hospital in Malaga, but succumbed to his injuries five days later. Chris had been out with a meal with a group of friends and went on to a bar with a senior colleague, but the pair became separated before the end of the night. Four months on his family say they are no closer to learning what happened to the marketing officer and father of three. Chris's father Harry, 63, from Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, said he was determined to get answers from the Spanish authorities so he could tell his grandchildren what happened to their father. He told STV News: "The oldest boy Ryan is 10, so I speak to Ryan and as you can imagine the boy is missing his dad. "We want answers. We have got to have answers because I've got to tell his sons at a later stage and obviously for ourselves as well. "I want to know the police reports and I want to know the post mortem reports. That's all we are asking for. If anything untowards has happened, if Chris has been murdered, then that's up to the authorities to take that up, but I want to know exactly what happened to my son." Mr Lindsay is travelling to Brussels in two weeks time hoping politicians at the European Parliament can help him speed up the justice process. "I'm not going to rest until I actually find out." he said. "It doesn't make things any easier, but certainly you can turn round and say, well, I did everything I could for you Chris: I can't do any more."

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