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Sunday, 26 December 2010

'UK behind 2009 Iran assassinations'

12:56 |

PressTV - 'UK behind 2009 Iran assassinations': "terrorists involved in the assassination of three people in the western Iranian city of Marivan last year have confessed that British intelligence services were behind the attack.

The terrorists shot dead the second son of Mamousta Mostafa Shirzadi, Marivan's Friday prayers leader, along with two of his friends on July 5, 2009. The three victims were Sunnis.

Following a month of investigation, Iran's intelligence and police forces arrested several suspects, who, when questioned, confessed to having committed the crime with the help of a British Intelligence agent.

The terrorists told a Tehran Revolutionary Court headed by Justice Abolghasem Salavati on Wednesday that the British agent offered them a significant sum of money as well as British residency permits along with other incentives in exchange for carrying out the terrorist act."

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