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Friday, 18 June 2010

36 year ban from public office, and an 810 million € fine for Juan Antonio Roca

15:13 | ,

Prosecutor is also calling for a 36 year ban from pubic office for the ex Municipal Real Estate Assessor in Marbella

The prosecutor has called for a 24 year prison sentence, a 36 year ban from public office, and an 810 million € fine for Juan Antonio Roca, the ex Municipal Real Estate Assessor in Marbella Town Hall, for his alleged role at the centre of the Malaya corruption case.

He is accused of continual money laundering, fraud, passive bribery and the misuse of public funds among other charges. The Prosecutor considers that Roca laundered some 240 million € over a ten year period, and the written accusation against him says that in real estate purchases alone he spent more than 136 million € between 1997 and 2005.

The prosecutor’s accusations run into 585 sheets, and have been presented to the Provincial Court in Málaga.

95 people are allegedly linked to the corruption and face charges in the hearings which get underway on September 27.

The Malaya case initially broke back on March 29 2006, when some 20 people were arrested in the first stage, including Roca and the then Mayor of Marbella, Marisol Yagüe. It’s become the largest ever corruption case based in a Town Hall in Spain.

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